Monday, November 20, 2006

Colombia - a land of great variety

A land like Colombia has a worldwide reputation for a great variety of fruits, the happiest people on earth (!), a land without seasons, beautiful rhythems of the Cumbia and more ... but also a reputation for being dangerous and unsafe for travellers.
This isn't totally true for the last years - there have been less troubles, occurrences, incidents - since new president Uribe came to power.
Moreover is to say, that we haven't heard of almost any harm occurred to tourists or travellers for years.

Come to visit this astoundingly beauty!

(Andreas A. - Austria)


Anonymous said...

u're totally right - i agree that there's a lot of variety concerning all kinds of fruits, nightlife, culture, landscpae ....

have been to colombia some times and enjoy it every time while i'm there


Anonymous said...

hi lina

great work u did.
love to see that some people are concerned about our amazin country

tell them what wonderful nightlife we have!!!

can i also post an article????

keep safe


Anonymous said...

die ganze vielfalt von lateinamerika scheint mir in kolumbien vereint!
ein wirklich außergewöhnliches land

